Any one else have a tethered cord?

I went to the NS today to go over my Cervical, lumbar and thoraic MRIs. The cervical says I have a 1 cm cystic focus related to the left hypopharnyx, but the doctor did not mention this (I hadn't seen my report yet either). Nothing else was noted on any of the reports but the NS said I have a tethered cord that he saw on the MRI, he said he was going to get onto the radiologist for not noting it. But, he said my spinal cord is being pulled down to the bottom of C2 and that he didn't think it was causing any issues for me since I don't have bowel, bladder or pains in extermities. Can tethered cord get worse or cause other problems? I'm already scheduled for decompression surgery in July and hoping I dont have to go back for detethering.

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Well I guess thats a good thing, that no one else has to deal with this! :)