An Overwhelming Feeling of Guilt!

Be strong Joelene, even though that's hard to do...and remember "this too shall pass". Please stop being so hard on yourself. Put yourself first, love yourself, remember in the bible it says love your neighbour as you would thyself...translated it means you should love yourself first because if you don't how can you be there for others. Don't worry about others, take care of yourself first, there are some books out there that can help regarding your inability to say no to "When I say no, I feel guilty" - can't remember who the author is, but I'm sure if u google the title you will find it. In the meanwhile, eat right, take vitamins and omega 3's (omega's are good for brain health and depression). Prayers and hugs your way...J.

thankyou everyone, it was hard for me to vent, i was brought up in a family that believes that you are selfish if you think of yourself, but im not being selfish, i deserve to think of me sometimes, i never had, times are changes for me, and i have dealing with it, im in tears as i write this,

i do also think that we do need to get on with it, and if we think of all the neg side, we will never get above it,

so im mixed, one day i saying screw it, the next im telling myself get off your bed and move your arse, rise above it,

there is conflict within myself,

eating is very difficult for me, i dont like food, and most of the time i dont have the energy to eat it, i cook for my children everyday but i cant seem to eat it, my bloods are showing im malnutrition, but i cant seem to help it,

im not feeling good today, its hard to move, and my breathing is tight, be good when tumor is out, hopefully it all will stop. sometimes it feels never ending.

good on all or you for speaking what you feel.


I happened to come across this quote when reading about Lyme's disease today. I thought of our duscussions on here and of you. Hope it helps :)

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."

- Dale Carnegie

joelene hossack said:

thankyou everyone, it was hard for me to vent, i was brought up in a family that believes that you are selfish if you think of yourself, but im not being selfish, i deserve to think of me sometimes, i never had, times are changes for me, and i have dealing with it, im in tears as i write this,

i do also think that we do need to get on with it, and if we think of all the neg side, we will never get above it,

so im mixed, one day i saying screw it, the next im telling myself get off your bed and move your arse, rise above it,

there is conflict within myself,

eating is very difficult for me, i dont like food, and most of the time i dont have the energy to eat it, i cook for my children everyday but i cant seem to eat it, my bloods are showing im malnutrition, but i cant seem to help it,

im not feeling good today, its hard to move, and my breathing is tight, be good when tumor is out, hopefully it all will stop. sometimes it feels never ending.

good on all or you for speaking what you feel.

thankyou nicolee,

its a great piece of witting, and how true it is,