Hello all! I am a 25 year old female newly diagnosed with a Chiari 1 Malformation... My appointment with the Neurosurgeon is not until the 24th, I just had a few questions because my GP just handed me my MRI report and gave me the number to the Neurosurgeon as he is not familiar with Chiari. My symptoms have been crazy: unexplained fainting, very dizzy and unsteady (vertigo with meineres sign), floaters and short bouts of blindness in right eye, weak muscles, severe migraines that feel like my head is vibrating, tingling and numb arms and legs, nosebleeds, etc etc
My MRI report says a 7mm cerebellar tonsillar herniation compatible with Chiari 1 Malformation, it also says slightly diminished mamilipoutine distance...can anyone explain that to me in simpler terms? My google search for diminished mamilipoutine distance comes up blank.
Thank you!!