Hello to everyone. My name is Teri and I am brand new to this Chiari "stuff!" I found this support group with a Google search for "Chiari online support" last night and am SO GLAD I did! After reading through many posts, I feel relieved and not so "crazy" anymore.
I was just recently diagnosed with Chiari on Sept. 30, 2011. However I have been dealing with symptoms since November of 2001. At that time, I was a perfectly healthy 19 year old. I was extremely active, slim, slept well, and was very happy! :) Early in the month I was stopped at a red light waiting for it to turn when I was slammed into by a tow truck from behind. He was not paying attention at all and hit me at 35-40 mph. That is when all my problems began. I had no broken bones from the accident, "just" soft tissue damage. Within a year I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, and was in and out of doctor's offices to help with my pain. Nothing would work well. Some things would work for short periods of time and then I would plateau and things would disintegrate health-wise again.
So now here I am, almost 10 years later. I have since gotten married to the most wonderful, supportive husband I could ever have hoped for and we have two energetic little boys. They are great, but tire me out! Each year, my condition gets worse. Winter is terrible for me, I feel better on hot, stable weather days. This past year was especially bad: loss of vision at random times, hands going numb at random times, forgetting words, dropping things, severe pain and fatigue, loss of hearing when I turn my head to the right, etc. If it were not for a cousin stepping in in September and saying, "This sounds like Chiari, ask for an MRI" I would never have even known about this! Looking at the symptom list on this site, I can easily check off about 80% of the symptoms without a second thought. They have just been my life for the last decade!
My measurement is "small" according to the medical field, so every doctor I see has a different idea and actually there are a few who are fighting about whether or not I even have Chiari! Very frustrating!! (Measurement is 3-4 mm on both sides) And they are all strongly pushing me AWAY from surgery so far at all costs. They say it has bad outcomes and that since my symptoms are either NOT related to Chiari, or are "debatable" as to whether or not they are related, it shouldn't be an option I consider now. I won't lie: I am terrified of surgery but my symptoms are debilitating at times and I have two little boys to take care of...
Can anyone relate? Questions, comments, concerns, etc are all appreciated and I will read every one. :) Sorry this got long...I tried to "in a nutshell" it as best as I could. But 10 years is a lot of history!
I hope each and every one of you have a good day today, even though I know for people with Chiari, it is rare! Enjoy what you can! :)