I know that I can only empathize with you about your divorce because I have seen what some of friends went through with custody and support from ex’s. I even have a friend whose parents divorced when she was very young so as she got older and married,she didn’t even have or invited her father at her wedding. If you show your daughter how to be mature and respectful to others she will grow up to be a wonderful person no matter what happens between you and your ex. Thanks to everyone for your support. I have become emotionally and mentally strong since I joined this forum. My biggest issue right now is that Im in the middle of packing so that I can move in about one month. So the biggest stress is trying to time my move, pretests and surgery so that one doesn’t affect the other. And before I forget happy Thanksgiving. My prayers are with you.
Wow Cole, So much to say. First I agree with Tazz, I can only empathize about your Divorce, I have seen so many even in my own family that have been ugly and hurtful. But mainly hurtful to the Kids. It sounds like your Daughter means the world to you. You are a lucky man, and I think she is a pretty lucky little girl to have a Dad that puts his concern for her above all else. She will grow up knowing who was more concerned about her than hurting the other parent.
I wish your Family didn’t look at you like that. I am fortunate in that aspect, my Family, all though some are too selfish to really be concerned anymore, they all know what I went through and completely understand it was a required set of Surgeries. As we talked about before though, they all just think we should be fixed and that should be that. But I myself am guilty in that I wanted to have them think that. So no ones fault but mine.
You are right Cole, I had no internet and no support. It was almost like I was wondering around alone and no one wanted to help me so I just made it up as I went along. As in how to get through life un noticed.
I am so glad your really bad headaches are mostly gone, that is awesome. But for me it was always about what people saw, and I preferred the headaches over walking like I am drunk in public. There is no shame in either, but I preferred the one i could hide the easiest so my cover wouldn’t be blown.
I am interested to hear more about the problems with a gag reflex you have Cole. I know when it happens to me and I am around friends, I always hear “you should go see a doctor” I just always laugh it off but now I am beginning to wonder. The scariest part is I have been told that it happens in my sleep too.
I know what you mean about being fortunate, On my worst days when I am feeling like I just don’t wanna go on anymore, I see someone in a wheel chair or homeless or blind… and I go on and keep moving. But we have the added challenge of having huge issues that people can’t actually see so we try hard to try and hide then so we don’t have to try and explain.
I think that even though I have all these struggles, God has given me so much strength to achieve the things that I have. I have a comfortable modest home, but it is mine and I am happy here and it is my comfort zone on the bad days.
I will talk to you soon Cole, but I told you I wanted to respond to your latest post too.
I am continuing to pray that your ex realizes by being so hell bent on hurting and damaging you, she is hurting your Daughter more than anyone else.
I hope you had fun with you Daughter and your Christmas activities last week!!
Tazz, I hope all goes well with your Move, surgery and recovery!! And if you aren’t comfortable with your Doctor, keep looking.
Thanks Dennis for the wishes but so far things are moving quite well with packing and the move. I’m able to start to move towards the end of next week. But unfortunately I’m need to stop work next week as well because right now I can’t physically handle work packing and move. I’ve Ben having issues with back of neck and head pain.
almost went home early from work early on Tuesday. But I’ll be able to have almost one month to move from one place to another so I can take my time especially since he I got most of stuff pack with some help of some family and friends. Wishing everyone the best:grinning:
Also do go and see the doctor about your gag reflex because my neurosurgeon had said many of her Chiairi patients have it. I finally got to get the swallow test In two months. Once this is done hopefully not too long after this I can get the surgery done.
Tazz, i hope you are all moved by now and settled in. But I definitely get that all of those things going on at once is a little too much under the circumstances. I was wondering about the Gag reflex thing, is there supposed to be anything that can be done about it?
I hope you have a Merry Christmas and the New Year brings you better health!! Dennis
Not sure how if anything can be done for the gag reflex but I’ll find out in February because that’s when my swallow test be down! I only got the keys last. Week to my new place so I’ve slowly moving things there. Thanks for asking! Same wishes to you and your family. Once I get the test done I’ll let you know!