2 Weeks after decompression surgery

Hi All,

Just an updating you after my decompression surgery of 9th March 2012.

First of all, I thank God, that I am able to relate this story to you and that I was blessed with wonderful surgeons, doctors and nurses.

I was admitted to the Wesley Hospital, Brisbane on Thursday 8th March with surgery scheduled for the next day. As you can imagine, my family and I were extremely anxious, but we knew that I was in the best hands.

Friday morning I was awake early and had an early breakfast, as my surgery was scheduled for 2pm. I was taken down to have mapping done (they stuck small round things on my head and scalp and then did an MRI with contrast, which apparently acts as a map for the surgeon). It did not start out well, as I promptly fainted at the first sign of a needle (something I have never done before, but I put in down to nerves).

Thankfully, the surgeon and anethetist were on time and I was in the theatre just after two. As you would hope, I did not know what happened until I woke up in ICU at 10pm that evening and was told it was all over.

I will not say that I did not experience pain in the few days that I was in ICU, it was more discomfort at the wound site. Unfortunately, the positioning of the site, made it difficult to get comfortable. I had a lot of stiffness in my neck (as is expected) and I was quite swollen, so I am told. I was up out of bed on the Sunday, but due to having a fascia graft taken from my thigh, and all the drips and other bits of machinery attached to me, it was a very short walk

I spent the weekend in ICU - not for any other reason, other than my surgeon being ultra cautious. I was in an observation ward for one night and then moved to my own room on the Tuesday morning. I made sure that I did the exercises the physios told me to, and I did many laps around the ward and ventured onto longer walks around the hospital. I did have to pull back on a couple of occasions, as I felt myself getting weary and tired.

I had a few MRI's after the surgery which the surgeon said showed that the operation was successful and that my syrinx had already started shrinking (it was at least 20 cm in length pre-op).

Again, due to my doctors cautiousness, I spent two weeks in hospital, I got home on Thursday 22nd March.

Since the operation, I still have some pre-op symptons, tingling sensations in right arm and slight pain in right shoulder blade region. I still have stiffness in my neck and I do get tired if I have overdone the walking.

The whole journey, was definately not a walk in the park, but it was not as bad as I initially thought it would be.

I am thankful for all the wonderful doctors, nurses and the rest of the hospital staff for looking after me and especially for my husband, who had our two children to fetch and carry from school, homework, cooking, cleaning and still train for his triathlon that he did this past Sunday (and very well I might add), and getting to visit me in hospital 1,5 hours drive away from home. Thanks also go to the people on this forum for sharing their experiences.

I pray that anyone else who has had or is having this operation the best of luck.

Please do not hesitate to contact me, should you require any further information.



Hi- sounds like while you may have been in the hospital longer then you would have liked, the doctor & nurses took good care of you, Welcome home! Wishing you continued success in recovery! Congrats to hubby on his triathalon.
