I am sorry for the gloom and doom post, but like all of you, I suffer from Chiari and the fun daily symptoms that go along with it. Numbness in arms/legs, fatigue, headaches etc.... symptoms that fluctuate every hour it seems. I had surgery in july 2014 and it was a sucess....but I have been told I now have permanent nerve damage that cannot be repaired.
UGH!! I am sorry, but for all of you who reads this, I could use some encouraging words. I will never have the guts to do it.............but leaving earth has certainly crossed my mind, countless times. Much like all of you, every day is a freaking struggle to get through and lately my condition has been deteriorating and symptoms are more prevalent
I am not sure what to do? I really want out of this life so that my body is no longer suffering. Like i said, i know i dont have the guts to do that.....but i guess the option helps keep me calm to know there is a way out
Any kind words you might have will go a long way for me! Nobody I know understands this condition and I feel that most people think I imagining it all.
Thank you for reading this and your time and any responses i get
Shane…I too suffer daily and sometimes the only thing that gets me through is to remember that as bad as it seems to be there is someone who actually is worse off than me…and always remember there are people that are in your life here that love you…and ending your life is a permanent solution to our situation that we hope and pray will get better w a cure to our illness…
Many Blessings Shane…keep fighting ALWAYS
Hi Shane, I am so terribly sorry you are feeling so hopeless but know that I do understand how constant pain and all the other stuff can drag you down. What I was wondering, though, is whether you have seen the information we have recently added on the site about re-training primative reflexes and whether anything like this might help alleviate any of your symptoms. HERE is the link to the article, it was written with dizziness and balance in mind but do feel free to connect with member gabbyjazzypants who provided this information if you want to find out what other areas and functions can be improved by similar retraining.
When I get low I try to find something to do to help myself which I have control over, it's the feeling of helplessness that leads to hopelessness for me. And just taking the day a few minutes at a time helps, it slows those runaway thoughts. I'd be surprised if there is any person anywhere with a chronic condition that hasn't had moments of wanting the world to stop spinning so they could get off. But if these thoughts really get a hold of you please call the crisis helpline, the number and website link is in the box on the right of the screen. I hope you won't need to.
Hi, Shane! I'm glad you are here and are asking for help. I too have had thoughts of not being anymore, but I don't believe I'd evert take away my life. I'm not sure what gets me through my worst moments. Maybe the thought of being/ not being here for my little sister is the strongest.
I'm sure there are things and people who are worth you getting through your worst days and remaining here. And you always have us- other chiarians who understand how hard it is and who will support you.
You are stronger than you think or feel and you have a lot to give this world and it has a lot to give in return. There are many great doctors who are working very hard to find cure for our problems. The cure won't come fast, but we have people thinking of us and that gives hope for a better future. :)
Shane...just keep on plugging along...I hate the neck, arms, shoulder pain along with the other symptoms but you're a zipperhead..what I have learned from being a zipperhead is that we as a group are tougher more resiliant and stronger then any one who doubts our symptoms could ever imagine. WE aren't weak but actually beacons of strength so when you hurt and feel like crap remember you are amazing, strong and tough......Mike
I have been there… Sometimes i cant believe what I have deal with, how much I miss feeling normal, doing normal things. Im still fighting, we are survivers and theres a reason of why… Just breath and lets keep fighting. Enjoy what you can enjoy. And just be. A hug for you.