Hi there, hope everyone is having a good day. I need to put up a warning to all members. As this condition becomes more well known along with it comes predators who can scam you while you are down. If you choose to join any Facebook groups be aware of those who could prey on you or your family members. First, on this site please never post any images that include your name in the corner. Also if anyone here asks you for any personal information such as your date of birth, full name, address or social security number please do not release this information and please alert a moderator. We have also always encouraged our members to use a name that does not make you easily identifiable. If you choose to use your real full name you are putting yourself at risk to being found on other social websites. I encourage anyone using their full name to please change it - and send a quick note to any moderator saying jane doe is now you ain’t getting me or something else you want to pick. Any group that asks you for any personal info and signing any type of waiver can disclose all your personal information. There are groups that are promising they can get you medical treatments and tests when your dr can’t. I certainly understand frustration when you have difficulty getting tests that you want becoming desperate. But be clear there is ALWAYS a legitimate way to get required tests without signing over your hippa information. It can be a pain in the … Head but there IS a way to do it without releasing info to strangers on the web. No one here should EVER ask you for money. There are certainly sad stories and people may need financial assistance - but be clear asking for any money on this site is a violation of our rules and we can not allow it. There are services out there and of course you are welcome to use your private social media to ask for help through established organizations set up for this purpose but it is banned on this site for the safety of all our members. So if you have joined any group that has asked you to sign any waiver or requested money please use good judgement and leave those groups and block the administrators. I find it very distressing that there are people out there that prey on the sick and desperate. Please take this warning serious and please take the necessary steps to protect yourself, your family, your bank account and you medical privacy. We do our best here to filter out scammers but these are people who can talk the talk and walk the walk of this condition and once in they can target members. Please inform any moderator if this has happened and feal no embaresment as they are really good. Please make sure your profile is set to private and change any full or easily identifiable names to something that keeps you annonymous(sp?).and please remember these people usually friend you first, gain your trust then swoop in for the kill. I have know many of you for years just as other moderators have and i have never asked anyone using a code name for their real name or their birthdate as I have no need to have such information to provide support and advice - please keep that in mind.
Yes, be careful! I’ve been seeing so much of it. I was scammed last Christmas. I ordered decals for my car windows. What a nightmare. He had more excuses and stories. I did finally get them in the end, but it was only because I threatened to contact an attorney. Just be aware of who your giving your personal information to.
I thought we did this thing a while back where we shared a lot of that in a post here?
This unfortunate is a reality with a lot of those groups. mean, spiteful and very uncouth people on some of the FB groups.
thank you so much Beeba...