
Have you ever just wanted to give up? A few months ago I didn’t even know what Chiari was now it seems as though it’s taken over my whole life. Believe me I know there are people out in the world who are worse off then me and God never gives you anything you can’t handle, but I’ve never felt so alone. I’ve lost friends because I just can’t keep up with them and my brothers tease me because they don’t understand but it seems the problem is no one wants to understand. How can I explain to them if they don’t want to understand? I mean I know I have my mom and I appreciate everything she does but sometimes it just get overwhelmingly and it’s not the same as having a friend to talk to. I just don’t know anymore I feel like I’m in a constant war with my body and I’m loosing.

Tank you that help more then you know, I try to stay positive but at some point it gets fustrating and the smile fades. Is it normal to get over emotional with chiari? I’ve been crying a lot over things I don’t usually let bother me.

Hi there.

You got great input from the gals who replied before me…I just wanted to say that we are here for you and you can rest assure that we totally understand how you are feeling.

I hope that you are feeling better today.

Keep us posted on how things are going.

HI Kailey,

As everyone else has told you, you are definately not alone but boy do I understand!!!! I am also recently diagnosed. I have only known that I have Chiari for about 9 months now and as far as my emotional state it is getting better in lots of ways but I do cry more than I used to. I'm not sure what the reason is for that I just deal with it like everything else and move on to the next. I am also like you as I feel that there are a lot of people out there that I'm sure are worse off than me and I am grateful that I am doing as well as I am. I believe that things can and will get better we just need to learn the ropes and what helps us to get better. We have to be our own health advocate and to keep trusting and relying on our new friends here on this great website that we have found. I wish you all the best.

Hi Kailey, I too have recently been diagnosed and have lost some of my closest friends in the last several months. I have had a lot of rough days the last few weeks where I just want to give up as well.... but you CAN'T! Like others have already said to you.... Unless you've been through this... it IS very difficult to understand... but that's why we're here! To help YOU understand that you are NOT alone in this and the things you are going through are very real and we can all relate to you in some way or another. Everyone on this website has been so supportive and will take you in with open arms because they KNOW what you're going through. You've got to take it one day at a time. Please don't give up!! If you're having a bad day and just need to talk... feel free to inbox me at any time!