Suggestions.. and please ease my mind.. I HAVE A DATE!

Can't give any pointers on Chiari post-op issues, but I just wanted to say good luck with your surgery! Hope everything goes well for you, surgically and otherwise. Best wishes, shellybelly!

Alive and groggy has. Surgery Monday still in so much

I’m still very nauseous the pain level went from a 15 to about a 6,

Does it get better before it gets worse?

Oops I mean does it get worse before I feel better

I'm glad you are out of surgery and able to update us! Some days are easier than others but after you get over the first two weeks you should see steady improvement! :)

cant believe im done with surgery.. the pain was real bad until this afternoon.. but the nausea is TERRIBLE.. and im on everything to prevent it.. uhhh

Hey Shellybelly0930 how are you doing let us know when you get a chance? Take care!