Sometimes, I just want to punch people in this face until I feel better!

Why is it that some nurses and other medical professionals have the worst attitude and bedside manner? My PCP refuses to give me any meds. Believe it or not, I am used to that. I have a very high tolerance for drugs. I can go to ER, get IV drugs, and drive myself home. The problem is that I don't need you telling me how I should feel. As if, my pain is not real and I am just trying to get high. If I wanted to get high, I can easily go and get high without a doctor's help. I only sleep about 1-2 hours. The PCP tells me that "Oh you just have a lot on your plate right now" Ya think!!!!! So if you can observe that I am overly stressed, why aren't you helping me deal with it. I asked for a referral to see a therapist or a psychiatrist. He told me that they don't refer to behavioral services. Well damn, what do yo all do? So, I had to find one on my own. I just had my intake and I will be calling tomorrow to see who I am assigned to..

I would leave and find me another doctor, but I am currently applying for disability. Jumping ship will probably make me look suspicious.

You raise a very interesting point about being tolerant to different medications.I have been to different ER`s in my time and because of their lack of understanding,or knowledge of Chiari,I have found I have been treated with suspicion and indifference.I have even thought that CM might in some way alter the way we metabolize these drugs.Doctors are also at a loss as to what, and how much, to prescribe.I was recently changed to a pain medication called Tapentadol,for which I went through the most horrific reaction,and had to go back to my previous med.I just don`t think that doctors and nurses in general understand how painful and debilitating that Chiari ,along with connective tissue disorders can be.You have my greatest sympathy as I have definitely been there ,along with many others in our situation.I can only hope that things will change .The sooner the better.I`m tired of being told that I just should not feel that bad,as it`s only a muscular skeletal disorder.YEAH RIGHT..........I would be interested to know how many other Chiarians have a similar experience with drug tolerance or intolerance as I have to be very vigilant with what I take for fear or reactions.

Good luck with your intake! It is frustrating when we aren't taken seriously. I agree it's because we look fine so people assume we feel fine!

Nykki, im sorry you're having to deal with all of the nonsense. It seems like it takes years to find a doctor that believes you are in as much pain as you are actually in. I really wouldn't think getting a new doctor would hurt your chances of getting approved for disability, I would think having more doctors saying the same things like you have chiari and you are in no condition to work would help your chances. And having a doctor that refuses to give you any medicine or refer you to other doctors might say you"re fine on paper work? I'd ask for a copy of your file to make sure what hes putting in there. And if at all possible get a free consultation with a lawyer and ask about if changing doctors would hurt your chances. Best of luck to you!!!

I also have a very high tolerance to pain meds and so does my sister ( We both have CM). That is one of my biggest worries on my up coming surgery. I wounder if there is any research on this.

My sister just told me the other day that if people really understood the pain we are in daily they would not question us if we really are in pain. That we also have dealt with it so long we tend to down play it because we have to live our lives. Most people who dont have Cm can not understand the pain we are in every day.

putty said:

You raise a very interesting point about being tolerant to different medications.I have been to different ER`s in my time and because of their lack of understanding,or knowledge of Chiari,I have found I have been treated with suspicion and indifference.I have even thought that CM might in some way alter the way we metabolize these drugs.Doctors are also at a loss as to what, and how much, to prescribe.I was recently changed to a pain medication called Tapentadol,for which I went through the most horrific reaction,and had to go back to my previous med.I just don`t think that doctors and nurses in general understand how painful and debilitating that Chiari ,along with connective tissue disorders can be.You have my greatest sympathy as I have definitely been there ,along with many others in our situation.I can only hope that things will change .The sooner the better.I`m tired of being told that I just should not feel that bad,as it`s only a muscular skeletal disorder.YEAH RIGHT..........I would be interested to know how many other Chiarians have a similar experience with drug tolerance or intolerance as I have to be very vigilant with what I take for fear or reactions.