Smoking & Chiari?

Hello everyone. I have a question. I know it may seem rhetorical to some but I need honesty and help!! I am currently a smoker...about 1/2 pack a day. Like I said I know I should have quit a looong time ago BUT anyway. I have surgery scheduled for July 30th. I have always said I will stop when I have a reason...... Some people have said that it will just add to my stress and headaches now and others say stop now. I just don't know what I should so. Some say once I am in the hospital it will be the last thing on my mind and wont want to anyway. Others concerns are the "smokers cough" when you quit. Sooooo should I set a date to quit in the next day or 2 or just quit closer to my surgery date???????

Try to quit now. It interferes with healing! Good luck!