
I am new to this website I was diagnosed 4 years ago with cm type1 I have had 3 spinal fusions but as of lately I have the worst headaches. I have been receiving migraine cocktails and have been in and out of the hospital. I can’t stand or walk without being dizzy and I feel like I shouldn’t be driving. I have 3 kids that need me and I can’t move. I have been to Duke but I didn’t have these symposium then and now I am being sent to ECU. Any advice would be welcomed
Thanks you so much

I am sorry to hear of your symptoms piling up. I have posted a detailed cheat sheet on dizziness in the "chiari for members" section. If this is the cause of your dizziness, the exercises work great. Give a shout if you have any questions about that.

Headaches are quite common yet oh so difficult to determine their cause. Hopefully you can sort that out with your further investigation. If medication is not helping, it seems like a futile exercise with lots of bad side-effects.

Also note that given your Chiari diagnosis and 3 spinal fusions you would be a ripe candidate for Graded motor imagery exercises (neuro-orthopedic Institute gives info and level 2 + 3 on-line exercises on their web-site). Chronic pain states have a tendency to change our central nervous system and how we respond to stimuli and produce the pain sensation. The brain is powerful and wonky at the same time! Someone who has taken NOI course can assist in navigating. Otherwise, their books of Pain and the Graded Motor Imagery are very helpful in understanding pain - how it is produced and how our brain processes stimuli. Very interesting and helpful in chronic pain states.

I tend to push physical therapy as a skilled practitioner can do a world of good. Of course, finding a good one and one that just doesn't cause pain is a challenge.

Good luck in your quest