Question on symptoms and just an overview of myself. Newbie to the site

Anyone have pressure that makes your upper gums/teeth feel funny? This just started several weeks ago but really bothersome. Other symptoms include non-stop pressure/pain in head including forehead, nose, eyes, and around the head in back. Hurts worse when bending over, laughing, lying my head down, coughing, and just even looking downward, riding in a car and sometimes just walking. I’ve also noticed pain/pressure worse with weather changes. I have constant ringing in ears, with whooshing noises also. Also pulsating happens often. I am light sensitive and many times feel like I am blacking out when getting up from a sitting position or after bending over or stooping. I have a tough time getting quality sleep and have a difficult time swallowing at times (even liquids). Also have tingling, cold/numb feeling in hands at times and other random symptoms. It seems like a lot but several of these symptoms I’ve had my whole life.

I started all this with horrible neck and shoulder pain around a year ago and then the never ending pressure headaches started in July. It’s a real long story but after seeing several doctors I had a MRI and it was found I had a 2.6 x 2.5 x 1.9 cm Meningioma brain tumor as well as a tonsillar ectopia of around 4-5 mm. I’ve seen a few NS which all seem to think the brain tumor is not causing my head pressure/pain and will be followed up with MRI to see if it is growing. If it grows I will have to have a craniotomy or if I begin having seizures I may need to have surgery. They will do surgery now but can’t say it will help my head. One said I did not have Chairi and the other two mentioned that I did and it could cause headaches but didn’t seem too concerned. I’ve been going to a chiropractor, PT, and tried a few medicines which I am still on one med. I tried headache injections which did nothing. The PT and chiro treatments have helped my neck and shoulders but still have some neck issues and my shoulders have hurt some the past few weeks. I worked up until October but just couldn’t keep it up. In the midst of all this (before the MRI) I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. (Which I’m not really sure I have)

I have an appointment with a different NS tomorrow. I was told he does treat Chiari patients, so we will see how it goes. Thanks for any input or insight, I just hope I can find some help. I have been reading different sites regarding Chiari and was amazed about my symptoms and how many of them are mentioned with Chiari. All the best to each of you and your own journeys.

Thanks Abby for replying and the information!!! I started seeing the chiropractor after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia but before I had the MRI. I will make sure he does not do manipulations on my neck. I am trying to educate myself before seeing the NS tomorrow and I saw the list of questions which will be helpful also. I’m sure I will be back on this forum for info, support and advice often. Thanks again. :slight_smile:

Hopeful, Abby just about coveted it! I agree with looking into dysautonomia because of some of the symptoms you have. I also agree that chiropractic adjustment can cause damage with Chiari pts. Please let us know how your appt goes with NS. It took me a few tries before I found a good NS (many of them are just not well-versed with Chiari and only do a few decompressions a year- if any), and many if them still assess Chiari by the size if the herniation instead of by symptoms and CSF flow.

Glad you are here,

Hi. I spoke to the NS and he said my 5mm shouldn’t be causing issues because there is no blockage showing on the MRI. He, however, does feel my Meningioma is causing my head pressure and pain. It’s so confusing and I’m still trying to educate myself on both issues I have. Should I request a CINE MRI? I just want to have any and all tests I can have to make sure what is what? Any advice will be appreciated.

Hopeful, I really think that you should look around for an NS who is a true specialist in Chiari. The feedback you got that 5mm “shouldn’t” be causing your symptoms is typical, but not true. This tells me that he is not up to date with Chiari. So it won’t matter what kind of imaging you bring him, because if you have to educate your brain surgeon on what’s wrong and how to fix it, the job will not be done correctly even if you do convince him to operate. Yes, you should have a cine done, but you need the best possible brain surgeon to look at it and help you make the right decisions- ESPECIALLY because you have the meningioma. Here’s the list of our member recommended doctors…

There are Chiari surgeons who recognize herniations below 5mm, they are just a bit farther between.
I’m sorry your Chiari wasn’t recognized in your appointment- I’ve been there and it’s very defeating! Just please keep going till you get the care you need!
