Hi Chiari friends,
I am 3 weeks post op and I have a 3inch fluid filled lump 1 inch ABOVE my incision. Over the part 3 days my vision is becoming more blurry and I’m dizzy, hearing muted, pressure in my head/hard aches, pain has come back to my neck and back and I have tingling and pain in arms and legs.
This is all worse that pre surgery. I have to wait to speak to my NS for two days, but I’m scared this could cause perm damage.
It must be a pseudomeningocele, but why would it be above my incision…I would think gravity would pull the fluid down. Hematoma maybe?
Hi, sorry I’m a little late to reply here. I’m hoping you’ve since been seen by your NS… How’re you doing, Tawny?
Ijust watched a CSF lecture, there was a part about pseudomeningocele. The dr said, it causes ongoing Chiari symptoms. How are you now? What did your NS say and do?