Newbie trying to save herself

I have Chiari Malformation type 2. I was diagnosed with Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome as a result of Chiari four years ago. Researching CCAS lead to my research on Chiari, and I found out there are things I was never supposed to be doing with Chiari, that I was always pushed to do. My parents never told me about any restrictions, and I don’t live near any Chiari specialists to educate them if they didn’t know. Now, I am taking matters into my own hands, and I have sent my care coordinator those limitations, so she can help me get on track with my health, by helping me avoid those things I need to. I’m scared, but I’m a survivor!

I would be interested in knowing what those restrictions would be. Thanks

Thanks. They seems reasonable for someone who is prone to symptoms with neck movement. Found that they have been applicable at various times of my dealings with Chiari. Good to know

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