Excellent article with Rosanne Cash finding out she had Chiari. My wife cried when I gave this to her. She went through many similar challenges. My wife is fond of telling me that if more famous people discovered they had Chiari, there would be a completely different level of awareness around this country. Mick
Super Huge thanks for posting this!!! I only wonder why in the heck it took from 2007 to 2012 almost 5 years for this article to be published??? I mean when some other celebrity has a drug addiction the paparazzi is all over it... I'm glad it has been published and I hope it reaches MANY people, physicians mainly!
Thank you again!
Good point! Guess Chiari isn’t scandalous enough.
luvmy2grls said:
Super Huge thanks for posting this!!! I only wonder why in the heck it took from 2007 to 2012 almost 5 years for this article to be published??? I mean when some other celebrity has a drug addiction the paparazzi is all over it… I’m glad it has been published and I hope it reaches MANY people, physicians mainly!
Thank you again!
awesome post.
Thank you! I'm glad she's so open to talking about her experiences with Chiari. I just wish it had been a larger publication, to gather more awareness about this.
Thanks for your post!