More symptoms and no quality of life

Recently I've been out of school for a couple months. The pain gets so unbearable I just crawl up into a ball. I really don't know what to do, because none of the medicine works. All the medicine does it reduce the pain a little, which frustrates me.

My Neurosurgeon is sending me to a neurophyiclist, a neuro doctor the brain. It's my last step and we are just sitting here waiting for it.
I kinda hate that it is wasting my life, when I could be at school.

Anyone have the same problems?

I have also have more sypmptons like no sleep, feeling tried, and dizzines all the time. Falling and my back hurts so much!
I do have a syrinx in the my back, but the doctor said it wasn't a worry.


I completely empathize. I was 15 credits shy (ONE quarter!) of graduating college. I had plans to start my own business, I had all my ducks in a row, and then... BAM! The Chiari floored me and I've been house-bound for the past five months. I don't have a NS that will work with me yet and I feel like my life is in limbo... I miss my old life!

Hopefully we'll find the answers we need soon. :)
Katrina W.