Just diagnosed with Chiari Type 1

Hello! I was just diagnosed last week with a Chiari Type 1 malformation. I got a copy of my MRI report today, the says: Findings of Chiari I with cerebellar tonsils 11mm beneath the formane magnum. I wonder what this exactly means and if this is a significant size? I have an appointment next week with a neurosurgeon for possible surgery. I’m nervous about this, I have two small children, I can’t go forward with a surgery that could risk my life just to make myself more comfortable, if that is really all it boils down too. I wonder what would happen or could happen if I chose not to have surgery?

Also my MRI report had another finding on it, that I don’t understand. IT said a tiny cyst was found in the subcortical lobe and is very likely an incidental finding, it states I should have an other MRI in 6-12 months. Thanks.

Hi I am fairly new to all of this, but I have done a lot of research on it, as well as putting pieces of both life long and recent symptoms. From what I understand is that it is a fairly uncomplicated surgery, and it really mostly depends on if your symptoms are bothering you enough for surgery, if not then nothing needs to be done. I also have children ages 10, 4, and almost 3. I am mostly worried about if I have surgery who will help me with the kids when my husband is at work...

I do have symptoms which was the reason for the MRI in the first place. I have ringing in my ear, daily headaches, then those wonderful pressure headaches that come with coughing or laughing. Plus I believe that I have other issues that can be contributed to Chiari.