I have been having neck pain the last 5-6 years and recently (finally) got around to getting it checked out by a doctor. After getting some really ambiguous feedback from my primary care doctor, and the referred orthopedic surgeon, I pushed for an MRI so that I could rule out anything serious/hopefully get an actual label to put on my problem. Long story short: it came back that I had Chiari.
My experience with my HMO has been nothing short of humiliating, enraging, defeating, and depressing. I have received very little guidance on the matter, and have also been sent to nothing but utterly disappointing and seemingly unqualified doctors--my recent visit to the neurosurgeon, for example, who refused to answer any of my questions about symptons I am suffering through (there are a lot), and told me "whoever diagnosed your MRI is DRAMATIC, your big problem is that you have a bad neck. Improve your posture, CASE CLOSED!". After some research on that particular surgeon, I found that he has a long history of treating patients in that manner is not well liked, nor does he have a positive reputation when it comes to results .
Sorry to babble on and on here, but mainly I'm trying to ask you guys if you can please guide me as to what the correct progression of diagnosis/treatment is. What type of doctor should the first doctor I see be? Neurosurgeon? What should I expect after that?
Also, I have my first appointment with my HMO's provided pain management doctor tomorrow. Any advice? What type of pain meds does everyone else take? Most pain killers with acetominophen make me horribly sick to my stomach, so I had my ortho write me a script for roxicet (oxycodone with little to no aceto.), but from what I understand, that's a schedule 2 narcotic and it's a slippery slope to request it as such (being labeled a pill-seeker).
Sorry for the length of the post, thank you all for the kind welcome messages and support.