I heard 2 pops and a Tear!?

Yesterday was a good day.. I have been 22 days Post-Op and have the most movement in my neck since the surgery (but still have been taking it slow). So I was getting ready for bed, took my shower and when I went to put on my shirt over my head I heard 2 loud Pops and a Tear. My neck started to Swell big time, started to get really sick to my stomach and burning in my neck. I took something for the pain and Ice on my neck and tried to sleep it off. I had an appointment with my General Doc for the next day anyways so I thought I would just wait and he could help.. yeah big mistake!! So I get there.. Blood Pressure way up.. swelling just as bad and burning too.. still sick.. so I tell him everything and what had happened and asked him if maybe an MRI would show if I tore something? He left the room, came back after 10 mins and told me to just go home cause he was not going to do anything for me!! I told him that my Neurosurgeon told me to come see him for him to help me!! He said he was not going to touch me with medicine or anything else!! I couldn't believe it!! Are you kidding me?? But he did say it was very severely swollen!! I just wanted an MRI to make sure I didn't tear my muscles apart!! He said it wasn't even giving me anything for the upset stomach!! WOW!! Ive never been treated with such disrespect and non-concern from a doctor in my life before. My mom was even there and had tears in her eyes! This is just another set back.. So I'm just resting with ice since no one wants to look at it.. just doesn't feel right to me at all!! If I get worse tonight then ER!!

So has anyone gone though the pop's and tears before after surgery?? What happened?

Thanks everyone for your support =) I couldn't do this without you guys =)

I'm speechless! I'm so sorry you were treated like that, unbelievable!! You called your neurosurgeon and he told you to go to your MD? That doesn't seem right. Your NS should've taken care of you. I would not go back to that MD ever again. Did he think he was stepping on the NS's toes or something? So, he sent you home with no resolution? How horrible and scary for you. You go to the ER immediately if you get any worse. I hope you called your NS and told him what happened with your MD. I hope you get the help you deserve.

Feel better honey!

Love, Christine XO

Hey Christine… Yeah I called my Neuro Doc first but he was in surgery and office was closed today otherwise they would have seen me… my primary doc that i was seeing for 2yrs left the office and got a new doc which ive never seen before till today… yeah NEVER again!! Just thinking of it makes me cry… My neuro doc knows what happens and told me to try ice and if I do get worse then plz go to the ER… They couldn’t believe it either! I don’t know what the hell he was thinking! But yup sent me home with no resolution and wasting an hr of my life!! I’m still in shock that a doctor would and could do that to someone… I don’t think he thought he would be stepping on anyone’s toes since I told him that my neuro doc told me to go see him… idk… just unbelievable!! Thanks Chrisitine XO =)

Girl I just told you about my tear and how I started to swell. I called the dr and was told to put ice pack on it and if it got worst to call back. The ice pack helped so I didn’t have to call back. I hope that works for you and you font have to do anything else. Im praying for you. Call me if you wanna talk.

I had an episode awhile back where I felt like my neck collapsed and my head kind of got locked in place and it hurt real bad and felt stiff when i tried to lift my head. I had been working on fixing my hair and had turned my neck so that it was strained a little. I also had trouble lifting my hand up past my shoulder. When I called the neurosurgeon's office I was told by a PA to take pain pills and see the therapist in their office. I did that and went to the therapist who felt all around my neck and head. She said she didn't find anything wrong. It wasn't until I saw my neurosurgeon in person and told him what had happened that I was sent for a cervical MRI. He sounded concerned about it and I don't think he had understood what had really happened when the info was relayed to him by the PA earlier. Bottom line is the MRI showed that I have some slippage where the bones were fused together. He didn't connect what happened to me to that, but I think that's what it was. Be persistent if you don't think you are quite right. In retrospect I should have gone to the ER.


Hi Shirley… Wow… Sorry that happened to you… But yeah sometimes I feel they really just don’t listen to the Story!! I know what I felt and heard! and it Hurts! but a lil better today… still swollen tho… but I have a bulge there now… I feel that maybe my muscle that was stitched back together came apart… and they said maybe that happened to over the phone, but said it was ok!? I don’t know… I think they should of just did an MRI to make sure! but that’s me!! I had my C1 removed but not sure if anything was fused… but I am taking it more slower now… Thanks =) Take Care Shirley XO

I haven't had the loud pops in my neck, but I get them in my right shoulder followed by burning all the way down to my wrist. I went to my GP and he ordered xrays and wrote a script for flexeril. Didn't do any range of motion to see if he could feel what I kept explaining, nothing. All he did was sit on his rear and write on a piece of paper. Later that night the pain was worse so I went to the ER. After an MRI to see if my bulging discs had ruptured and a dose of dilaudid, I was told by the ER doc that unfortunately, I would be lucky to find any doctor that would treat me due to my condition and surgery. He did point out that my 2 bulging discs are still there and SEVERELY bulging at this time, but there was nothing more that he could do for me. My neurologist isn't even the same one that diagnosed me with Chiari and since I am self pay, she is leary to do much for me either. I know this doesn't help but I just thought I would let you know you aren't alone!!!

HUGS!!! Stacey

Hi Stacey.. Yeah I go though that same problem.. even in the ER.. No Doctor wants to touch us or even help!! I hate it!! I don't understand!! I'm looking for new doctors now!! It's SO Frustrating!! I'm really upset by it.. This is 2 doctors now that have put there hands up (in the air) and said "I'm not touching or treating you because of the surgery you just had!!" I walk out every time crying!! Where do I go now?? if they don't want to help? and my Neruosergeon sent me to then.. one being my general doctor and the other was my pain doctor.. they can't be that scared!!?? Thanks for writing back.. If it does get worse they will be seeing me at the ER if it is just for me to get an MRI.. =)

stacey said:

I haven't had the loud pops in my neck, but I get them in my right shoulder followed by burning all the way down to my wrist. I went to my GP and he ordered xrays and wrote a script for flexeril. Didn't do any range of motion to see if he could feel what I kept explaining, nothing. All he did was sit on his rear and write on a piece of paper. Later that night the pain was worse so I went to the ER. After an MRI to see if my bulging discs had ruptured and a dose of dilaudid, I was told by the ER doc that unfortunately, I would be lucky to find any doctor that would treat me due to my condition and surgery. He did point out that my 2 bulging discs are still there and SEVERELY bulging at this time, but there was nothing more that he could do for me. My neurologist isn't even the same one that diagnosed me with Chiari and since I am self pay, she is leary to do much for me either. I know this doesn't help but I just thought I would let you know you aren't alone!!!

HUGS!!! Stacey

Hi Abby.. I know.. I feel like there is NO where for us to go anymore.. I sure don't know where to go.. I'm going to try to find a doctor who will listen and care enough not just to write medicine but to listen to how I really feel and are experiencing, cause I know i am not making this up!! Thanks for writing back =) Hope you are doing good.. Take care too..

Abby said:

It seems like so many of the ones who have surgery with problems, the other doctors are afraid to touch us if we have problems. Who are we suppose to turn to when stuff like this happens? God Bless you honey, that is not good. You should go to the ER anyway, and ask them to do a MRI, so sorry you were treated this way.

I am not sure what happened, but I would be for asking a professional doctor that question.

I am praying for you,

Love, Abby

keep us posted as to what the outcome is.

Are you still in pain?

Hey Tradee… Yeah comes and goes… I don’t know what to make of it anymore… =( How are u doing??

Im good I went to a gathering yesterday. I put on a wig
and my neck started swelling so I had to take if off. Im still so not ready for social events yet! Other than that im ok.

oh god,what a mess, it makes me angry how you guys have been treated,

your NS should double check things, im sad that life has to be difficult, grrrrrgrrrrrr,

does anyone have an indian specialist?

why i ask is, my NS is, and man he is great, he trained over there, so maybe there is something in that

i also had C1 removed, no fusion, just removed to allow more room


@joslene I have an Indian specialist he is great also he’s located at Emory their staff are wonderful. My mom had brain surgery there also but no by him her dr was wonderful also.

Im good Abby thanks for asking I know I don’t need a wig just wanted to look normal again without the missing hair.

My Neurosurgeon was Indian and he was AWESOME. But once I went in for my follow up and had my staples removed, he was done with me. He refered me to another Neurologist and that is where I am having my issues. I was covered by COBRA and when I couldn't afford to carry it anymore, she seemed to slack. No testing, no discussions, just a nod, a look and rushed out the door. It drives me nuts because if I was able to work and carry insurance, I would....and since I can't I suffer for it. It stinks that we all have to suffer because of doctor's fears or need for the almighty dollar. Maybe one day things will be different. I'm sure I'm not the only one that lost just about everything when Chiari reared its ugly head....and if that isn't bad enough, the doctor's want to kick us in the teeth when things are already bad enough.

Sorry, I went on a rant.....It just doesn't seem right that we all should have to beg for someone to treat us and pray that they have a clue as to what they are doing!!!

never say sorry stacey,

you are correct, the health sytsem sucks, in nz we have a public health system, if you want to you can see someone private, our govenment has free healthcare which is great,but takes awhille, if you dont like the NLor NS you can see another,

but my GP is the best, he puts me where i want to be, he sents me to anyone i ask for, i normally go private for first visit then after that i get put in the public system, and still see the same specialist, just have speed it up and dont have to pay,

i feel for you guys overseas, that dont have it like i do, it would make things harder and frastrating.

Thank you for your kind words. I have just felt really down the past few weeks. I hurt so bad I get sick and all I keep getting told is that they can’t find anything “new” wrong with me. I am so glad I was told about this site. It really is awesome!!!

joelene hossack said:

never say sorry stacey,

you are correct, the health sytsem sucks, in nz we have a public health system, if you want to you can see someone private, our govenment has free healthcare which is great,but takes awhille, if you dont like the NLor NS you can see another,

but my GP is the best, he puts me where i want to be, he sents me to anyone i ask for, i normally go private for first visit then after that i get put in the public system, and still see the same specialist, just have speed it up and dont have to pay,

i feel for you guys overseas, that dont have it like i do, it would make things harder and frastrating.