How soon were you scheduled for surgery?

Once you saw your Neurosurgeon…how soon did they schedule you?

Right now I saw the NS on Monday he has scheduled an MRI asap I guess to see if it has progress. My next apt is Mon 14th. I believe that day we will figuer out when I can have surgery.

No I am seeing Patrick Han on the 10th. He has knowledge of Vascular malformations as well and since I have one I thought it might be wise.

I might also mention I work for the hospital that Dr. Han is at…so I know his reputation lol.

Mine was scheduled a month out only because he’s so booked. That was his soonest appt.

My NS appt was 8/25 and they had 9/8 or 9/20 open for surgery. I picked 9/20 since I’m in Texas and Dr Oro is in CO and I needed get everything ready at home.

About 2 1/2 weeks after diagnosis

I'm kinda nervous but kinda ready to go to the doctor tomorrow. Glad its an early appointment. There's always the fear in the back of my mind that the doc will blow me off. Though I might strangle him if he does....=P neurosurgeon thinks its pseudo tumor and not the chiari. Next step is spinal tap to see what my pressure is and we will go from there....

was suppose to have surgery within 2 weeks after seeing NS thhat knows Chiari BUT the booking lady totally screwed up so it was a month later which was good gave me time to get things in order with school etc..

Was diagnosed on a Friday and in surgery that next Wednesday.