Help to start a Chiari Organization

So my mother and I have decided to put together an organization in our area to help Chiarians and raise awareness. We have one in a town close by, but their main concern is children. We are all for doing stuff for children affected by Chiari, but most people who are affected by it are adults, so we want to focus more towards adult chiarians.

One thing, for example, that I want to be able to do is vent now and then. Talk to other Chiarians about what I am going through and what they are going through face to face. Which is one thing the other group frowns on because the lady who started it has a daughter with CM and she is like 9 yrs old. So they try to focus on positive stuff, which when it comes to kids is a good thing. But for us adults who have had our lives turned upside down, chewed up, spit out and then stomped on over and over, we need to be able to get out the negatives and anger.

So, I need help in how to do this.

For instance, can we use my mom's business tax id for the organization? How do we get a .org web address? Are there any free ones? etc, etc. Any help would be more than helpful and I would be extremely grateful.

Thank you Emmaline. I actually hadn't even thought of the SBA or googling non profits.

Emmaline said:

Face to face meeting are so great! Good luck with all that!

There is a bunch of us in my area, and so far we've met up once and it was wonderful! Talking to others that know exactly how you feel!

I don't know that much about the organizing part, each state is different. If you're going to be non profit, not sure if your mom's tax ID would work. Do you have a small business association in your area that you could check with? Or google non profit organizations for your state...