Found this on TSN --- pro golfer with Chiari

They misspelled Chiari but hey, it’s the first time I’ve personally read about a pro athlete having the condition.

Agreed. I wish he would do some press to raise awareness about Chiari. The more awareness the better off everyone will be. Almost everyone I meet and speak to I tell them about my experience with Chiari and how it affected my life and I have even helped Doctors diagnose people correctly with Chiari because they had to see me and deal with me and learn the signs and symptoms. We definitely need a public figure to get us more awareness in the main stream. Maybe he has a fan website with address and we can write him?

I think it great the word about Chiari is getting out there (even if it is misspelled lol) I post Chiari stuff on my IG and have had strangers tell me they looked it up, that makes me feel great! But at the same time i feel like we really need more stories that show all parts of Chiari id guess youd say. Because yes he was able to have surgery and return to a pro sport, not all of us get to return to work after. I know i get the comments, 'all you do is stay in bed, youre just lazy, everybody gets headaches" stuff like that -.- Dont get me wrong its Great he is doing good and more people will actually know what chiari is, but i swear if one friend or family memeber shows me this article and says anythimg about why can he return to a sport and i cant even work a normal job, I'll scream! lol