Found out about my Chiari after a fall

So I wanted to take some time to introduce myself my name is Ivan,30 I just got married and I drive a Semi truck in Ct. At the end of August while getting ready to leave for the night from work ( hooking up a trailer) I went to exit the truck backwards like I always do and somehow i missed the step and fell about 6 feet (maybe more I am 6'1) and landed on my head/neck onto pavement. I am unsure if i was knocked out and can't remember much of the fall.

I was later found on the ground and was helped inside. I ended up in the ER with what i was told a concussion. So now fast foreword a bit i had symptoms of the concussion ( nasua dizzy neck pain nasty head ache are just a few) so after several months of not improving in fact they have gotten worse in most of my symptoms. I was able to get my family DR to order an MRI of my neck seeing how thats where most of my pain was located besides the head ( i also had lack of feeling in my hands and the PT was thinking a disc injury of so sort) The MRI showed that I have a Chiari type 1 as well as fluid in my spinal cord my family Dr was not worried about it but a family Friend who is a Dr had looked at the mri and suggested i see a nero surgeon.

So I got the approval to see the Nero surgeon's PA the surgeon was away at the time. After seeing him and speaking with him he also told me that the MRI showed "dry patches" around my spinal cord and ordered a second MRI of my Brain.

So now I am waiting to see the Nero surgeon tomorrow. I am getting worried because my symptoms have not improved and have been getting worse.

Some of the worst ones are

1) killer head ache 24/7

2) tingling all over

3) memory and word finding issues

4) dizzy spells

5) Sever neck pain

6) numbness in my hands and feet

7) balance issues

8) not sleeping

9) depression feeling

10) blurry vison

11) mood swings

This has been very stressful on me and my wife in more ways then one and not being allowed to work is not helping any feed back on my situation or advice with dealing with it would be welcomed.

I should also note that I have never had any of theses symptoms before the fall no one ever told me I had this or even suspected me of having it until the MRI showed it.

Hi Ivan, we're glad you've found us for support through this. The AANS put the prevalence of Chiari in the general population at slightly less than one in 1000 and the majority are asymptomatic with it only being found as a result of diagnostics for unrelated conditions ... so although this won't make you feel any better right now there are an awful lot of people out there with a Chiari malformation that don't know it.

There is some information about preparing for a NS appointment in our section Chiari Info for Members. You may like to check out it out HERE before your NS appointment tomorrow. Hope it goes well for you and you get some answers and a management plan. Kindest, Jules

Hi Ivan

Given your injury of falling on your head and your list of symptoms, the possibility of an acute mild brain injury comes leaping to my mind. A concussion is a brain injury and the symptoms do not automatically go away with a bit of time and rest. How you fell applied compact forces to your skull and shearing from whiplash, both result in trauma to the brain and there is a theory that whiplash can pull the brainstem down into the spinal canal through forces on the meninges. Or you just have had asymptomatic Chiari before. Who knows.

I would be hesitant to jump into Chiari treatment - invasive operation. There are many other physical therapy and neuropsychological treatments that may be beneficial to healing your brain.

Read up on the rest aspect for concussion/acute mild brain injury. The concept of rest is more complicated than expected and involves all senses and activities. Fatigue and mood swings follow quickly if the brain is overly taxed and a boom and bust cycle of activity is actually more harmful to your recovery process. This includes and therapies that you take on.

Oculomotor exercises, gentle neurodynamic exercises, primitive reflexes for dizziness and balance, motor control exercises for neck and shoulder, basic walking, daily and within your tolerance. These are exercises that can help to normalize the central nervous system.

Is there a brain injury center around where you live? They can provide a more comprehensive package of treatment.

Good luck in finding answers and please know that recovery from a head injury can take some time and involve more patience than you and your family had expected.

thank you both for the replys.

Gabby thank you for the bit regarding the whiplash as that was also what they said i had no one has suggested that as the possible cause for the chari the PA only told me that this is from the fall. My primary Dr told me that i probably had it all my life and shurged it off. I will see what the NS says when i see them today and ask them about the Whiplash theory which makes sense to me seeing how I to my knowledge have never had any symptoms besides head aches but not even close to what i have now. Also surgery is the last thing i want I have read horror stories about it and would much rather not go down that road.

Hi, Ivan! Concussion is a tricky thing. There is a Joe Rogan podcast with a game designer, I think( I don't remember her name). She didn't hit her head hard, but had a really bad concussion that didn't seem to go away. As she couldn't risk overwhelming her brain, she came up with a game to both entertain herself and help the brain heel safely. I don't remember any details, but it might be interesting to you. I found it