Okay guys, Opinions are NEEDED PLEASE.
Ive know about my chiari for about 6 years. It was never a problem until 2 years ago and I started having issues on and off ( neck pain, ringing in the ears, numbness in mt left arm, and leg. problems finding words.. and of course the HEADACHE)
I was always told from different doctors ( PCP, neurologist, physiatrist) it was not chiari related, and they always had a different diagnosis. Until today.
I finally was sent to a NS, and he pretty much came into the room all ready to talk to me about surgery.
He went over how the cerebral tonsils were crowded. and what we have to do about it. If I do nothing, its only going to get worse..
I guess im so skeptical because of being told for years that it was never a problem ( it was considered "borderline" chiari at 6 mm, with no syrnix or any other problems)
Ive been waiting on this answer.. and now, im flat out scared. Should I get a second opinion? how bad is surgery?
The NS i saw today, said he does about 30 a year, and its a lot more common than what most people think.. pretty easy surgery, with little recovery time. two days in hospital and 2 to 3 weeks rest.
My brain is over loaded, I dont know what to think. I just want my life back!
Any feed back is MUCH appreciated. :)
( why do our brains have to be so BIG!)