Does anyone else still have these symptoms after their surgery?

I’ve experienced pressure in my head. It seems it comes in stressful situations or when I’m laying down flat for long periods. I also still get head aches and I get numbness in my arms sometimes and sometimes it feels like I lose my breath when my head is in a certain position. When I stretch my neck and move it around or hang my head down , I get some relaxation. I forget words very easily than I used to. My memory is not as good. And I swallow differently. Everything has changed. And I feel like I get tired very easily. I feel like I never have enough energy anymore. I don’t know if it’s my age? I am 46 now. But I don’t know if that’s it or just the Chiari. I have always keit myself in shape through the years , but since this has happened I have been in the worst shape that i have been in… In years. When I work out or when I run. I feel the pressure as well. And I have to shake my head around it stretch my neck to get my wits. I need to figure this out. I don’t know if I need more surgery or if it’s just me?

I still get headache in the back of my head in occipital bone. I have numbness in my wrists and hands at night that keep me awake. My surgery was 2 1/2 years ago. Am going to ask my primary doc next month when i go. Hopefully nothing serious for either of us… Good luck to you!