Dear Chiari I hate you!

Dear Chiari,

I hate you more today then I ever have befor. You steal the light from my baby’s eyes and replace it with pain. You take the sweet smile from him and replace it with a frown. When he should be sleeping he is waking in pain from headaches, when he should be running and playing he is sitting and watching because his legs hurt.

I hate you because watching my baby wake up everyday in pain is breaking my heart and crushing my soul. Watching him endure tests and MRI’s is almost more then I can bare.

I hate you Chiari.
A heart broken Mom

I'm guessing this will resonate with a lot of parents here, Bug'smama. Nothing as difficult as watching your child in pain. Caregiving for kids can be really rough. Please don't hesitate to seek counseling for additional support. Sending you and your little one good wishes.