Central Pennsylvania Chiarian meet and greet

I know we're from all over in this forum, but I wanted to share this because some people are not on Facebook. I'm hosting a meet and greet and would like everyone to attend who can.

Sunday, March 29 - 2 to 5 pm at the Altoona Mirror's community room

Pasted from my Facebook event:

"Free get together for all people with Chiari Malformations and their caretakers.
Come mix and mingle with other people who have this disorder. Kids and their parents are welcome!

You may want to bring a notebook, as we all have a lot of information to share together.
It's at the Altoona Mirror because I work there, and it's ADA accessible. :) It will be in the community room.

Feel free to bring a finger food snack or dessert. Coffee, tea and some pop will be there.
This is a public event, so please invite others who may be interested.

If you're willing to drive others, please leave a comment. If you need a ride, leave a comment. Some people are unable to drive because of Chiari and it's helpful for them to carpool. Thank you!

If you're on Facebook, feel free to share with your family or friends who need to get out and talk about Chiari.

Facebook Event - Chiari Meet and Greet page

Hi Shasta87. If you are on Facebook, would you mind putting this up on the page there too? That would be great. :)

Hi Debrabe, Thank you for the suggestion! I will do that now.