Hi, I am a mother with Chiari II. My baby daughter already undergone Myelomeningocole repair. As of Jan 5, 2016. Her head circumference is at normal growth. Is decompression surgery really a must if a person have a Chiari? As of now her Neuro surgeon haven't advised any surgery yet. My 3month old daughter is still doing some laboratories to prevent any complications she might have after the surgery.
Virtually every patient with spina bifida(myelomeningocele) has a Chiari II. Fewer than 20% ever need any treatment for it. Your neurosurgeon will typically watch for clinical and radiographic changes(locally, we perform annual MRIs through our spina bifida clinic). It would be very rare to need to do anything as an infant.
You mention head circumference. That is not typically a Chiari issue. It is usually a hydrocephalus issue. Both would be serially evaluated by your spina bifida team.
Thank you doctor, I think her hydrocephalus issue will be the priority for now because her transcranial ultrasound's result was she has a moderate to marked hydrocephalus. We'll meet her neuro surgeon tomorrow.