I know September is Chiari awareness month, but really why does my body feel like it has to remind me. This past month I have felt the worst I have felt in a long time. I’ve called in or had to leave work early at least 3 times this month already. The headaches I can tolerate maybe since I’ve had them so long, but my balance is off I constantly feel dizzy everything hurts and all I want to do is sleep. My husband just had to listen to bitch because I can’t clean anything and today that I did he acted like I was in bed all day. I know he’s frustrated because he has 2 jobs I just think he forgets how frustrating it is for me.
I feel like I’m just done I’m tired of being physically and emotionally tired. No I’m not suicidal I just want all of this over I don’t even remember what normal feels like anymore. Hopefully Thursday when I see the NS he can help.
Sorry just waiting to go into work and had to vent before some poor patient had to deal with my frustration.
Sorry for you. I was just diagnosed but have had symptoms for over 1 1/2 yrs. i gues we all have the same luck. Cant have something normal. No, has to be something wierd. Something difficult to diagnose. They found it by accident with me. Difficult to treat and tons of irritating symptoms. And to top it off no one believes or understands. Yep just my luck. However, we cant let this thing defeat us. We have to fight back. We have to stay positive. And we have to encourage each other. I pray things turn around for you
Ogott said:
Sorry for you. I was just diagnosed but have had symptoms for over 1 1/2 yrs. i gues we all have the same luck. Cant have something normal. No, has to be something wierd. Something difficult to diagnose. They found it by accident with me. Difficult to treat and tons of irritating symptoms. And to top it off no one believes or understands. Yep just my luck. However, we cant let this thing defeat us. We have to fight back. We have to stay positive. And we have to encourage each other. I pray things turn around for you
Thank you guys I just needed to let it out. Unfortunately last night I had another drop attack and twisted my same ankle I twisted a month and 1/2 ago. Going to have it checked in a few hours when the immediate care opens.
Abby when they come I have no warning. Although the night before I had to leave work early because I was dizzy and light headed every time I stood up. That was about 24 hours prior. And usually it feels like my knees give out I just landed on my ankle when I fell.
I went today for an xray of my ankle hopefully it’s ok.
Thank you Abby I will look it up and I am on a beta blocker as preventative for my headaches.(propranolol 40mg daily) maybe I need to up the dosage.