After my second surgery for CM

Nearly two years after my second surgery, I ve started to have episodes of right hand nerve pain and left hand numbness, tingling effect. My recent scan report shows nothing serious. Not being able to use my hands puts me down. Can anybody help me with this? Anyone experiencing this kind of issue?

Deep, some great videos explaining the cranio cervical instability
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Look for any video with EDS, complex Chiari, or cranio cervical instability

You can also google the Brighton criteria and Beighton criteria- a generally accepted way physicians can diagnose EDS. It is estimated that 30-40% of decompressions “fail” because of CCI and cranio medullary syndrome.


Thank you so much for the information. I have started physiotherapy sessions which will help to strengthen my neck muscles. Hoping for improvements soon.How normal can one become after chiari surgeries?