
Hi Guys!

Question here...If adhesions were removed , say about 6 yrs ago..can they come back??

This is really a non- Chiari question..though, I do know that some of you have had adhesions removed near decompression site.

My issue now is that about 6-7 yrs back I had adhesions removed from belly...I have had sever belly pain and a few weeks ago went to ER..CT showed mild colitis....had repeat CT scan and colitis is gone..yet the pain has spread throughout my stomach and now my PCP is sending me today to a surgeon.

Tomorrow I have an appt with a GI doc....My gut literally tells me it is adhesions.....I just fear that I will have to go to GI before the surgeon does anything...I just want it over.

Thanks for any and all input.



Thanks a are YOU?????