Vibraslim tables?

Are these ok to use?

Basically for those who dont know what they are… its a thing u stand on that vibrates that apparently help you lose weight that I want to test out lol

It Wont effect chiari will it?

I saw these last week and wondered the same thing. I did touch the salesmans neck while he was on it and it does move, but he told me I could come by and try it for a week, so I would know if it would work. I'll let you know after I try it. I have major neck problems and am leary.

My mother uses and she said it doesnt shake head/neck and she has serious neck and shoulder problems. and i seldom have neck problems or back

I was worried it would shake the rest of my brain out Haha!

Ummmm...Why? LOL (sorry I had to say that)

how much pain do you really want to put yourself in? I know when my head,neck,shoulders, and back are hurting me the last thing i want to do is be shaken....

I dont know anything about this machine---so i had to Look

It appears that this machine requires special attachements to achieve "weight loss"

here is a link for you to scroll down and read some comments about the machine from actual users