Small bump on the back of my head

This is an open ended question for anyone that can help- A few days ago I noticed a small bump on the back of my head, right above my neck. Normally I wouldn't think anything of it, but my pain seems to get worse whenever I put pressure on it. I'm concerned mainly because this bump is directly located on the site of my pain. I'm sure it's nothing serious, but I was wondering if anyone had any similar problems or have a suggestion as to what it could be. Thank you!

Stop pressing if causes pain… lol

could be a boil? Ingrown hair? Cyst… but the head is natrually bumpy, it could be the bump always there and pain in that area has made u now notice it by holding head in pain?
Either way I would consult a doctor if it remains in a few days.

I'm not constantly putting pressure on it, it was just something I noticed. Yeah, it could be any of those things, I'm just worried because I've never noticed anything like this before, and it's exactly where my pain is originating. It could be a coincidence, but I'm just trying to figure out all the possibilities.

Have you anyone to have a look and see if the area is red?

Yes, I do know that it's red.


I am a physical therapist and I have CM. There is a small bump on the occipital bone called the external occipital protuberance. Maybe that is what you are touching. That whole area is very tender when I touch it. I hope that helps. It is always good to check these things with your doctor. Especially if the bump wasn’t there before.

That makes a lot of sense! I will definitely talk to my doctor and see if that could be the issue. You were very helpful, thank you!

I have one too..I have always had it :) Have you ever noticed men with shaved heads (like basketball players) some have that bump I can see clearly. I googled it and came up with occipital bun..I guess its normal but it does freak you out when you have chiari. I am getting ready to have surgery in a couple days and I am worried about the incision being there and the healing?? But I forgot to ask my doc about it I will be sure to ask and of course I will let you know after surgery If it causes any problems..I wish there were more stories post-op (good ones) so I do want to come back and post if all goes well :) I hope you are having a good day today!