Quick question, couldnt find a deffinite answer on internet search

Just wanted to know, is it assumed when someone says decompression surgery, they are including the removal of the C1 vertabrae? Is it standard? Just curious, thanks

No, Everyone with CM are different. Your Neurosurgeon should be able to tell you if they have to remove C1 or C2 before surgery.

Beeba is right, each surgeon is different. Mine "shaved" some off the c1 and c2.

thanks guys

All the above are correct. There is 1 charge code for any chiari operation(just as there is only 1 diagnosis code for a Chiar, regardless of symptoms, syrinx, degree of cerebellar tonsillar herniation, etc).

I like Beeba's list of this or that or the other. Most decompressions do include removal of the posterior arch of C1 but, to a certain degree, that depends on the extent of cerebellar tonsillar herniation. To an even greater degree, it is personal preference of the surgeon.