Question for you especially one with kids

My friends,

I have had someone ask me a question that I do not know the answer; so when that happens I research but to no avail on this particular topic so I turn to you for you experience and expertise.

Anyhow the question was: My three year old post-decompression chiarian just told me it hurts when he "looks up to the sky" when getting his hair washed. Normal for him?

He had decompression June 2010 and as far as I know a good recovery until this situation arose. Sorry I do not know how long it has been going on either.

Thoughts, answers, explanations...I do not know, all I know is that CM effects all of us differently and so does the recovery.

Thanks all


hi there mr mike

still have this silly british keyboard on this computer and the keys are very weird/cannot figure out the caps and punctuation/so that is why my posts look weird/sorry

anywhoo/ back to your question

i had the same experience as your friends child for many mths after surgery

my surgeon told me it was because of all the muscles they had to cut through/mainly the neck muscles

he also went on to say that any dizzienss was caused by the new csf flow/my body /mainly the brain/readjusting to the new flow

thank goodness it all passed in time

hope this helped a bit

how are you doing

