New to the Chiari diagnosis...frustrated and confused and made to feel crazy

Yes I’ve had to deal with alot of the same symptoms and my doctor said the same thing but i think with this support team we really get to see if other’s with the Chiari 1 malformations are feeling some of the same thing

Hi Jen

My name is Nadine Speers. I am 48 years old and you have described my day to a perfection. It is absolutely Chiari related. I was diagnosed in 2008 and it has been rewarding to know I am not crazy but saddening because the symptoms stink. I was diagnosed By Neurosurgeon Dr Borgus at Mass General in Boston. He sent me to Dr.Ray at Mass Eye and ear. First thing out of her mouth was "when was the last time you ran? I looked at her and she said am I right?

The same f thing for me at work. I work at q hospital and I get much help from my coworkers. I want your to try no more caffeinated drinks. NONE and if you sufferer form headaches(thank god mine are rare) try MOTRIN not cheap ibprofin. 400mg it helps me. My C1 and C2 are in my brain so I have no chance at surgery. They could cause very bad things to happen that I can not even say. The ugly beast was woken up after my first baby then worsendwith number two. I just thnk God I had them to light up my life. I was 41.

please stay well hydrated and get good nigh sleep. Dehydration is your worst enemy.