Misdiagnosed as nerve entrapment

I am new to this community but I looked through and saw some similar posts but I am curious if anyone shares my experience. Last year I was working in genetic research handling biohazard specimens and was caretaker and veterinary tech for hundreds of mice. My job did have extensive repeative arm movements. I started having severe pain in between my shoulder blades and shooting down my right arm. My arm was weak and I had horrible neck pain. It should be noted that I had been seeing a neurologist for 2 years for persistent occipital headaches and possible pseudotumor. I had 3 ct scans and 2 lumbar punctures but could not find culprit so I pushed through pain. Eventually I had two surgeries related to nerve entrapment. My pain is still steady and my hand still twitches and it is still weak.

Later my headaches continued to get worse and they did another lumbar puncture. One of my pupils was enlarged and stays that way with blurred vision. After seeing two eye specialists they thought it was an aneurysm. Finally they did an MRI…found chiari malformation. Suddenly thibgs start to add up.

My question is…have any of you been diagnosed with nerve entrapments prior to finding out chiari might be reason? Unfortunately I only found out about my conditon a few months ago and I am doing my best to find a doctor that understands chiari. My symptoms are starting to control my life and I feel broken. I pray that I find someone that will finally help instead of just shoving pills at me and tossing me to other doctors that are just as ignorant.

I had cranial nerve compression and a thoracic outlet. I also have uneven pupils & a bent optic nerve. Many Chiarians have eye & vision problems. Since you have had a MRI do you have a herniation that is causing CSF Blockage? The pressure is usually what causes the vision & nerve problems.

I have a 6mm herniation and my optic nerve is damaged. I had my pronator teres muscle was removed in my right arm. Pain on my arm remains after syrgery and my headaches and vision problems are continuing to worsen. The 2 surgeons I saw both said my herniation was too small to cause these problems but all the literature I have read seems to disagree with that conclusion. I have lost consciousness from coughing and laughing with weakness in the arm. That terrifies me most. So scares I might cough too hard while driving my daughter to school or something. I just cannot believe how these doctors are treating me.

I am trying hard to type these things but it is difficult and I see I have missed a few typos. Please forgive me.