I was just diagnosed with Chiari last month. The reason I wnt to the ER were stroke like symptoms, headache,dizziness and RT ey not focusing. Since the diagnosis my symptoms have progressed quickly and I have noticed issues with memory and cognitive thinking. All of my life I have practically had a photographic memory and now I feel as though I cant retain anything. It is very disheartening and I have to fight depression daily.My NS here in my home town doesnt have much experience with Chiari and is telling me that chiari will not cause dizziness or vision imbalance. I have a 2nd opinion scheduled in 2 weeks. The headaches are almost unbearable and am only having maybe 2 good days a week now, My chiari is 10mm and really crowded so my NS is telling me. I am so happy to have found this support group.
100% , also when I speak sometimes it's very hard to get words out or they come out jumbled..
I had to put my legal name on some paperwork and couldn't remember how to spell it? I feel I need to relearn something's I've known and used for years. When it comes to Math , like special relation's or trying to do number's in my head I just can't do it. I've also had trouble with retention..
Since my Chiari 'kicked in' and really presented itself I have gone from all A student to practically failing/scraping by in exams. Other than not being able to focus on my work as much because my back and head is throbbing I don't know what would cause my work so get so bad.
Kaleigh my 9 yr old granddaughter that has Chiari and Syringomyelia has also had learning issues, Math especially since she was diagnosed ( actually she had the issues before the diagnosis, but her school and the doctor felt it was ADHD ( but I am not that sure it is ). Anyways the other strange thing that happened after her decompression surgery was that prior to the surgery her penmanship was becoming very nice and legible, but afterwards as her teachers said ( and I noticed as well) her penmanship was like a child in 1st or 2nd grade, large and scribbled. She still struggles to write a complete sentence and she is going into 4th grade this month! She is very spacey and has alot of difficulty staying on task and not wandering off to start something else. I don't know what to think as her NS does not feel it is related to the Chiari, but there are too many Chiarians out there that speak of the identical issues! Grammie
Kaleigh I see that you are from Diboll Tx, I am from Longview Texas and having trouble finding a local Dr that understands what is going on. Where is your Dr located?
I have noticed this same problem--mainly after my surgery in June. The VAMC is sending me for cognitive therapy this week...I have been very hopeful that this will help with some of my problems. I am half way to receiving my degree; and so afraid that I may not be able to complete it now (and had even made the Deans list) before my condition became progressive. I have to write down my to do lists with my husband, or I am unable to remember what I should be doing; as well as the same thing at work. I am so worried this problem will get worse.
Kaleigh I know you are trying to make a go on your own and you are to be commended for it, but I know from a friend of mine ( online ) that also has Chiari, she attends college and has made them aware of her Chiari and other issues. The college does accommodate her medical issues ( they acknowledge that it is a disability, though the state and government still does not ) so I would let your dean and teachers know , it does not mean that you are incapable of learning, just have special needs when it comes to the process. Good luck <3 Grammie