
So my baby Girl want to dallas and they did a mri of her back . They say her back looks good . Her is at c2 and they say its cutting off some of her fluids from her brain to her back when she moves her head… and I asked what that means and they said a different doctor would tell me … can some one please help … what does this mean and is it bad ???

Awe, I am so sorry- but welcome-

i am not a doctor- do you have a copy of this MRI for your records and a copy of the report?

C is cervical spine (neck part of the spine)...sounds to me like when she moves around the spinal fluid is being blocked from flowing properly.

i am not sure how much info you really want...but it could mean she MIGHT have cervial stenosis, chiari malformation both which usually present with(but not always) this sort of "blockage". But Please wait until you get the proper diagnosis from a registered DOCTOR.

Best WIshes


Ps. I know this is a trying time for you and your family but please try to remember ANY testing that is done to your daughter to retain copies of ALL of them for your own records.

i agree with lisa

allow yourself to breath, this is a had time, but wait until you know all the answers,

any questions that you have the may seem silly, ask them, if your unsure ask again,

please keep us informed, im also very sorry that you and your daughter are dealing with this,

from what i can gather you are strong, you can deal with what ever comes.

Lisa, they said she did not have that We did a mri of the back … but is not flowing right . So has your opinion what does that mean , I dont want her to have surgery . But her head hurts a lot

I want all the info I can get . What does this mean, is this bad ?

Lisa W said:

Awe, I am so sorry- but welcme-

i am not a doctor- do you have a copy of this MRI for your records and a copy of the report?

C is cervical spine (neck part of the spine)…sounds to me like when she moves around the spinal fluid is being blocked from flowing properly.

i am not sure how much info you really want…but it could mean she MIGHT have cervial stenosis, chiari malformation both which usually present with(but not always) this sort of “blockage”. But Please wait until you get the proper diagnosis from a registered DOCTOR.

Best WIshes


Ps. I know this is a trying time for you and your family but please try to remember ANY testing that is done to your daughter to retain copies of ALL of them for your own records.

are you not wanting surgery for her or for you? i know thats a hard question, but has to be looked at,

did it show on any of her mris where its blocked and what is causing it? is there anything visable? a cyst? tumor? cord issues? or tethered cord, was there anything to show why it was getting block,

mybabygirl said:

Lisa, they said she did not have that We did a mri of the back .. but is not flowing right . So has your opinion what does that mean , I dont want her to have surgery . But her head hurts a lot

iam wondering as Joelene said if there is possibly a cyst,tumor or something like that within the spine (neck) causing the blockage.

you keep stating her head hurts which is throwing me.. have they noticed or said anything about her ventricles (they are in the brain itself) or did they say anything about fluid build up on the brain causing her the head pain?

Ask lots of questions to the doctors even if you feel they are not worthy of asking this is your child!!!...also if surgery is going to ease her pain PLEASE consider this for her and for yourself (in a odd way)


I am very sorry everyone is being so vague in their answers. No one wants to scare you needlessly. The first thing ...get a copy of the MRI results from the radiologist. You or your daughter if she is under 18 yrs old, can get these where she had her MRI. Call ahead and ask them to make you a disc of the MRI. Then you can tell us what it says and we may be able to give you information on what she is facing. I pray she is well and this is nothing serious. We will do anything we can to help you.

I Promise,

Tracy Z.