Hi everyone, so I recently found that I suffer from Platybasia along w chiari. I understand these 2 are common to occur together. I’m now faced with the various surgical options. Anyone suffer from both? If yes have you had any surgeries?
Hi Jessica.
I just got this news also. I'm working on getting more images made and trying to decide if I want to go back to the specialized neurosurgeon I saw or try someone else.
I'm not finding much information out there beyond a definition of this condition, and the fact that my C1 being fused to my skull is maybe not unusual with platybasia, and that my chiari is probably a result of it.
Because I've gone 2 full weeks without a full-blown headache, I'm reluctant at this time to think that I would want to have any surgery ... I think I can tolerate living through the headaches as long as I have a couple weeks in between to keep my life running. However, my husband is not fond of the headaches, or watching me go through them, so I will have to consider his input.
I haven't talked to a neurosurgeon longer than 5 minutes yet to even know if surgery would be an option for me yet. Maybe my pain isn't bad enough to warrant it yet.
You're the first person I've come across who has both platybasia and chiari too, so I hope we can keep the conversation going.
I sure hope you sign in soon so I can find out what you're going through!!! I haven't come across another single person who has both platybasia and chiari ... it's making me crazy, the not knowing!
I don't know if you're reaching or not, but considering the fact that I'm 44-years-old, it's more likely that I was put to sleep on my belly. I put 3 out my 4 kids to sleep on their backs and their skulls seem to be fine. They never had the flat head in back, or the bald spot. In addition, platybasia has something to do with the angle measured from the front, along the pallet to the middle of the skull and down to a lower point (hard to describe). It doesn't seem to be about a flatness at the back of the head.