This is the story of Julia Clukey…She is a US Olympian with Chiari Malformation. She competed in the 2012 Winter Olympics and hopes to compete in the 2014 winter games. Her story is inspirational…You should check out the link:)
Thanks ..great story
ooo good find! thanks :)
Great article !!! It's good to see you posting Bill !!!
Nice article, but I wish people in positions like hers would try to help raise awareness. Maybe I missed that in the article, but it's a shame. Good for her that she is doing so well though!!!
It is a great story! She is strong. I agree with Nicolee though, it would be great in her position to help raise awareness
Haha I did the same thing sort of. I posted on her wall.
razzle51 said:
I sent her a note on her FB page asking to help us raise more awareness .....
I agree…I wish she would help to raise awareness too. Razzle and Alicia, I think it’s great that you both sent her a message:) I’ve thought about doing the same, but I’m still working out in my head what I want to say…I want to be convincing, without being overly pushy. I will send a message to her once I figure out how to word it just right. Either way, it’s still great to see a fellow Chiarian live out their dream:) It gives the rest of us hope.
Like the rest of you, I really wish higher profile people with CM would speak out about it, and raise awareness. The Wikipedia page for Chiari lists under "notable cases" only three people. We all know more people in high profile positions have dealt with this.
Tnx for sharing! How exciting is this?! Our first CM celeb!
Actually, Roseanne Cash has it as well. She actually wrote a piece about her experience called something like "Actually, it is brain surgery"